My conversation with several white men Mr. Nervous

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Mr. Nervous (a name I made up) is a white man who declared himself

as “white”. He is in his late 30’s and he nervously answered my questions.


  1. Have you ever been with black females before?
  2. Yes, I had several, including one from the Caribbean.


  1. Why are you interested in black females?
  2. I’m not…


  1. You’re not?
  2. No…I’m interested in individuals.


  1. What is your ultimate objective here?
  2. (hesitated)…(quiet) Long-term, monogamous relationship.


  1. Do you have AIDS or have you been tested?
  2. I have never been tested…I gave blood to the Red Cross, I did not have the $200.00 to have the test run.


  1. Would you agree that Racism exist?
  2. YES!


  1. How can Racism be eliminated?
  2. I don’t know, you can only suppress it and maybe after hundred of years from now, it will REFINE itself, things are getting worse.


  1. Would you say that you are a White Supremacist?
  2. I’m not a member of the Skin-heads or David Duke.


  1. Do you fear black genetic annihilation?
  2. I know that intelligence is determined by genetics…I know that black people have the stronger genes but no, I’m not afraid that some genes are going to attack me. You know some black people are racists too, racism is in all people.


  1. What did black people do to deserve Racism?
  2. Nothing, it was the greedy and violent nature of the white people and Arabs.


  1. Why do you suppose when I turn the television on, I see all of these black people dying?
  2. I don’t know… I interpret it as<strong> VIETNAME WAR.</strong>


  1. Are you saying black people an d white people are at WAR?
  2. No!